Welcome to the website for the Padres T-ball Team,
we are competitors in the Lakeside National Little League. Your manager:
Steve Coblentz can be reached at home:619-561-0702, office:858-292-3073,
pager:619-526-0014, fax:619-561-4991 you are welcome to call anytime, his
General Info
- Your manager/coach is: Steve Coblentz, see above for contact info.
- Your Team Parent is: Tanya Espinola 449-1537 (Thank you Tanya)
- Our Team Sponsor is: R&M Construction (Thank you Neders) and the Mardis Family
(Thank you Lyle & Gabrial)
Other sponsors are welcome and needed, I have sponsorship forms.
- Since we are now scheduled for two games per week we will not have any
regularly scheduled practices. This doesn't discount the need for all of us
to practice on our own or informally. Don't just practice when the team does,
to have more fun during the games try additional practice, for ideas see:
- Lakeside National Little League Voice Mail: 561-0860
- T-ball Rep: Steve Peterson 562-8251, my boss, if there are problems I am
not solving or am the cause of, call Steve Peterson.
- T-ball Rules
- Responsiblities of Managers and Coaches
- Padres Field Rules
- At the picnic it was annouced the T-ball season has been extended two weeks
to make up for the time lossed while the dug-outs were constructed. Our last
game is now June 15th, see the schedule below.
- Every Saturday is a Work Day (until games start March 9th), all day,
we can use help of any kind for any part of the day.
- Both the League and our Team need recruiting, we have 9 players, the games are
funner and attendance is more relaxed if we had a few more.
- I believe we have a sponsor, the League could use more.
- Opening Day March 9th, 7:45am, at LNLL Fields on Marilla
- Practice Tips: Don't just practice when the team does, to have more fun
during the games try additional practice, for ideas see:
Schedule schedule from
- +GAME: Saturday June 15th, 8am, Padres vs Giants
- +GAME: Thursday June 13th, 5pm, Padres vs. Reds
- +GAME: Saturday June 8th, 10am, Marlins vs. Padres
- +GAME: Thursday June 6th, 5pm, Dbacks vs. Padres
- +GAME: Saturday June 1st, 10am Rockies vs. Padres (Rockies - no show)
- Salute the Heros -- photos
- GAME: Tuesday May 28th, 5pm, Giants vs. Padres
- Memorial Day, Monday May 27th
- GAME: Saturday May 25th, 10am, Padres vs D-Backs
- GAME: Friday May 24th, 5pm, Padres vs. Braves
- GAME: Saturday May 18th, 2pm, Cubs vs. Padres
- GAME: Thursday May 16th, 5pm, Padres vs. Reds
- Mother's Day Sunday May 12th!
- GAME: Saturday May 11th, 8am, Padres vs. Rockies
- GAME: Monday May 6th, 5pm, Marlins vs. Padres
- GAME: Saturday May 4th, 10am, Padres vs. Giants
- GAME: Friday May 3rd, 5pm, Marlins vs. Padres
- MEETING: April 28th, 11am-, League Picnic, El Monte Park
- NO GAME: April 27th, Western Days - Lakeside
- GAME: Monday April 22nd, 5pm, Braves vs. Padres
- GAME: Saturday April 20th, 2pm, Padres vs. Cubs
- GAME: Tuesday April 16th, 5pm, Reds vs. Padres
- GAME: Saturday April 13th, 8am, Rockies vs. Padres
- GAME: Thursday April 11th, 5pm, Padres vs. Marlins
- April 7th DayLight Saving Time Begins. [note weekday games now at 5pm!]
- GAME: Saturday April 6th, 10am, Giants vs. Padres
- GAME: Friday April 5th, 5pm, Padres vs. D-Backs
- NO GAME, NO PRACTICE: March 24-31st.
- GAME: Saturday March 23rd, 10am, Padres vs. Braves [canceled - dugout work (or lack there of)]
- GAME: Tuesday March 19th, 4:30pm, Cubs vs. Padres [canceled - dugout work (or lack there of)]
- GAME: Saturday March 16th, 10am, Padres vs. Reds
- GAME: Thursday March 14th, 4:30pm, Padres vs.Rockies
- GAME-Opening Day: Saturday March 9th, 8am Ceremony, 1pm, Marlins vs. Padres
- MEETING: Friday March 8th, 5pm, Safetey Meeting, All coaches should attend.
- PRACTICE: Thursday March 7th, 4:30- LNLL field
- PRACTICE: Tuesday March 5th, 4:30-5:30 RiverView School (9308 Wintergradens Blvd,
just 3 blocks south of the Albertson's super market)
- PRACTICE: Thursday February 28th, 4:30- LNLL field
- PRACTICE: Tuesday February 26th, 4:30-5:30 RiverView School (9308 Wintergradens Blvd,
just 3 blocks south of the Albertson's super market)
- MEETING: Saturday February 23rd time? Picture Day & Candy Distribution.
- PRACTICE: Thursday February 21st, 4:30- LNLL field
- MEETING: Wednesday February 20th, 6:30pm LF, Board Meeting
- PRACTICE: Tuesday February 19th, 4:30-5:30 RiverView School (9308 Wintergradens Blvd,
just 3 blocks south of the Albertson's super market)
- MEETING: Saturday February 16th, 12-12:30 Snack Auction, Uniforms Distributed.
- PRACTICE: Thursday February 14th, 4:30- LNLL field (optional due to Valentines day)
- MEETING: Tuesday February 12th 6:30pm, LF ? Make-up Team Parent Meeting
- MEETING: Monday February 11th 7pm, Lakeside Farms, Rules and Instruction all levels
- PRACTICE/MEETING: Monday February 11th 4:30-5:30pm, at the LN fields off Marilla.
- MEETING: Saturday February 9th 3pm Manager/Coach T-ball
- MEETING: Thursday February 7th Team Parent Meeting, 6:30pm Lakeside Farms School
- bold inidcates the next event(s). Italics means the scheduled
event has passed ref: vistors vs. home
For changes contact:,
please identify the page and desired changes in detail
Change Log:
Corrected April 13th game time, was 8pm s/b 8am: Mar 20, 2002
Added practice status to general announcements: Mar 12, 2002
Added game dates: Mar 2, 2002
Added more dates and info after our team meeting: Feb 12, 2002
Added more dates: Feb 10, 2002
Initial list: Feb 7, 2002