Padres Team Field Rules
These rules are unofficial but intend to promote quicker
development of baseball skills in the safest possible way.
- 1. When in the dug-out sit, watch and listen. You can learn
a whole lot just watching other players and situations. Use the
dug-out time to relax and think about the inning you just played
and plan for the inning you are about to play. Try discussing
the game with you fellow team-mates, ask questions. Try to learn
something every game, or even every inning.
- 2. If you're on the field and you have a bat in your hand you
MUST have a helmet on your head. Exceptions are only when you are
helping to gather equipment.
- 3. Slidding, hitting the ground, getting dirty is all part
of baseball, but sitting or laying down is not allowed on the
field. If you must get off your feet then you can
kneel on one knee provided you are
concentrating on the field activity. If you must sit or lay down
take yourself out of the game and go to the dug-out.
- 4. During any batting practice or warm up only one baseball
can be live, i.e. being hit, hit at, or thrown. If other balls
are in use during batting paractice they must be the wiffle balls
(light plastic balls holes in them). During batting practice
everyone must keep their heads up, baseball is the one that can
hurt you.
- 5. Baseball is a fun sport where there are many skills to
develop and situations to understand. If you're not having fun
or you don't want to play tell Coach Steve, any situation can
be resolved. This applies to parents too, if you feel there is a
problem or you are not comfortable with your boy's activites
please don't hesitate to discuss these with Coach Steve.
- 6. Please try to remember you hats for practice. Wearing a hat
can be a pain but let try to get used to it, its required during the
game. If we aren't used to wearing a hat it will be an annoying
distraction during the games. When the weather turns hot the hats
will give us much needed shade too.
- 7. We all need to start bringing water (or other drink) to practice
and games. The rain and fair weather we've been having is fooling us
it will soon be getting very hot and liquids are critical.
- 8. I didn't see in the rules any requirment for cleats but they will
soon be a necessity. Currently flat bottoms work cause the ground is
soft and moist, soon it will be dry in hard packed. With out cleats you
will feel like you're on ice.
For more clarification or more information contact