From the PADRES web site:
Responsibilities of Mangers and Coaches
General Responsibilities
- 1. Follow Little League Rules and Regulations, both local and national.
- 2. Emphasize good sportsmanship and recreation and less importance on winning.
- 3. Serve as a good role model for your players and others in Little League.
- 4. Know the playing rules and avoid protesting games.
- 5. Maintain team equipment in good condition and return it at the end of the season.
- 6. Keep your playing fields in clean and in good condition; attend League work parties (every Sunday).
- 7. Attend umpire school, learn to umpire, and serve as an umpire.
- 8. Conduct practice at least once per week.
- 9. Support League fund-raisers.
- 10. Appoint a team mom and at least two scorekeepers.
Home Team Responsibilities
- 1. Prepare the field before games (drag, hose and chalk fieldl; set bases).
- 2. Return bases and other equipment to tool and equipment sheds if your
game is the last one of the day for your field.
- 3. First team on the fields must raise the flag on flagpole near sheds,
and last team on the fields puts flag away.
- 4. Bring out home trash can before game, empty & put away after game.
- 5. Clean home team dug out and seating areas after the game.
- 6. Manager of last game on all fields helps lock up snack bar and escort
snack bar staff to their cars.
- 7. Last T-ball or Caps team on the filed locks equipment sheds.
- 8. Help put awa red traffic coes after last T-Ball or Caps game.
- 9. Last team on fields locs inner and outer main gates to fields.
Visitor Team Responsibilities
- 1. Obtain game balls (caps: and scorebooks) from snack bar compound.
- 2. First team on the fields must raise the flag on flagpole near sheds,
and last team on the fields puts flag away.
- 2. Bring out vistor trash cans before game, empty & put away after game.
- 3. (caps: Return scorebooks to snack bar compound after game.)
- 4. Clean up visitor's dug out and seating area after the game.
- 5. Help home team set up field before game if help is needed.
- 5. Empty trash cans and return them to storage areas.
- 6. Help put awa red traffic coes after last T-Ball or Caps game.
- 7. Last team on fields locs inner and outer main gates to fields.
For changes contact:,
please identify the page and desired changes in detail
Change Log:
- Responsibilities Update: Feb 7th, 2002
- Initial list: Feb 13, 2000