From the Padres web site:
T-ball Rules
- 1. No score is kept.
- 2. Games are three innings long, with a ninety minute time limit on Saturday games.
Saturday games must end on time to allow next team to prepare field and warm up.
- 3. All players bat every offensive half of an inning.
- 4. All players play every defensive half of an inning. The infielders
and catcher play at their designated positions. All remaining players play in the
- 5. A coach my pitch to his/her batter if the coach;s opinion the batter is able
to bat at a thrown pitch. A maximum of three pitches may be thrown to a batter.
This includes foul tips. If the batter does not hit the ball in play on the three
pitches the batter must bat off the tee.
- 6. Coaches are allowed on the field, both on offense and defense, to give directions
to the players on how to run the bases or play defense.
- 7. Runners cannot steal any bases.
- 8. A play ends when the defensive player fields the ball and throws it to the pitcher.
A runner must stop at the base he/she is running to when the ball is thrown to the
- 9. A runner who isout on a defensive paly should be allowed to stay on base an run
to gain experience running the bases.
- 10. All offensive players must remain in the dugout until it is their turn to bat.
There is no batting warm up.
- 11. When the last offensive player bats, his/her coach must let the defensive palyers know
that the last batter is up. On a play by the last batter all runners advace to home plate,
including the last batter. Defensive players fielding the ball must throw the ball
to the catcher, who tags home plate an then stands to the side of the plate
until the last batter crosses the plate.
- 12. There is no sliding into home plate.
- 13. Players may wear baseball pants. These are not provided by the leauge and must be purchased
by parents.
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Change Log:
Updated Februaru 7th, 2002
Initial posting: March 2nd, 2000